Who is ANNÉ GANDO? And why is she Blu?

Annegando in Italian means to drown. The opening here is dark, but that is precisely how life began to feel. I was sad without an explanation... lost and without destination...In search of anything to fill a dark void within. I found myself clinging to every fond memory I've ever had, living with the fear that I would never have another. Daily, I was consumed with thoughts of my favorite days and completely lost in them. I was drowning in memories spent in sun-filled Mediterranean Blu water.

Anné Gando is the soul's begging plea to live what one only experiences in dreams. In this life, people can become overwhelmed by feelings of melancholy, sadness, stagnancy, and longing. It's a heartache that is all consuming. For years, I've tested my blue waters trying to determine what was missing. The journey has been long, but in short, Anné Gando was born. And she was Blu.

I essentially gave this inner battle a name, giving into my Blu, and embracing it. Now, it's a driving force, propelling me forward. 

To those of you who have a secret romance with Blu, you are not alone.